
来源 作者:国曦英泰 发布时间: 2022-05-31 1440 次浏览


香港会计师公会于本月初在官方网站上发出补充及澄清声明,确认了该会与美国的对口机构 – 美国国家会计委员会全国协会(National Association of State Boards of Accountancy,简称NASBA)属下的美国国际资格评估委员会(U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board, 简称IQAB)于2011年签订的互认对方会计师资格的协议,将于今年12月31日到期(详细公告见文末)








据美国国家会计委员会全国协会官网介绍,NASBA/AICPA国际资格评估委员会 (IQAB) 是美国会计专业与其他服务贸易总协定 (GATS) 签署国之间的纽带。通过互认协议(MRA),来自另一个国家的合格专业会计师可以在美国执业,而无需完全重新认证。希望在同一国家执业的美国注册会计师也获得了类似的认可。




澳大利亚和新西兰特许会计师 (CAANZ)

加拿大注册会计师 (CPAC)

香港会计师公会 (HKICPA)

爱尔兰特许会计师 (CAI)

Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publicos (IMCP)

苏格兰特许会计师协会 (ICAS)


MRA到底有什么用?简单说,如果您是与US-IQAB签订互惠协议的专业会计机构会员,您希望获得美国注册会计师执照,参加并通过国际资格考试 (IQEX)即可 。如果您所在的会计机构未与US-IQAB签订互惠协议,您希望获得美国注册会计师执照,您需要作为55个司法管辖区之一的候选人参加统一注册会计师考试

国际资格考试 (IQEX)介绍

IQEX涵盖与美国会计实务相关的道德、专业和法律责任、商业法和税收。IQEX考试不能替代美国注册会计师考试,仅用于测试与美国会计实践相关的领域。IQEX目前使用统一注册会计师考试规则 (REG) 部分的管理。考试内容在AICPA的统一CPA考试蓝图的REG部分中进行了概述。考试中包含基于任务的模拟。


美国国家会计委员会全国协会官网也明确,香港注册会计师证书持有人若符合 2020年互认协议 (MRA) 规定的资格标准,则可有资格参加国际资格考试 (IQEX)。






  •  澳大利亚和新西兰特许会计师 (CA ANZ)
  •  英格兰和威尔士特许会计师协会 (ICAEW)
  •  苏格兰特许会计师协会 (ICAS)
  •  南非特许会计师协会 (SAICA)
  •  加拿大特许专业会计师(CPA Canada)
  •  爱尔兰特许会计师 (CAI)
  •  津巴布韦特许会计师协会 (ICAZ)
  • NASBA/AICPA IQAB – 香港与美国的互认协议 




Regarding the non-renewal of the current mutual recognition agreement (MRA) between the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the Institute) and the U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB), which will expire on 31 December 2022, the Institute would like to supplement and clarify as below:

1.The Institute currently has various MRAs with member bodies of the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) and other accountancy bodies. These agreements cover the mutual recognition of members’ professional qualifications between the Institute and its counterparts and full or partial exemption of membership admission requirements. All MRAs signed require overseas applicants to have one year of local (Hong Kong) experience in order to obtain a practising certificate in Hong Kong.

2.The requirement for IQAB accountants to have one year of local experience in order to obtain a practising certificate in Hong Kong has been part of the MRA in question since it came into effect in 2011. Applicants have not been allowed to replace locally obtained experience with audit experience in the U.S in the past. Those who do not meet the requirement may become a non-practising member of the Institute until 31 December 2022. In the past three years, the Institute has engaged in protracted negotiations with the IQAB for renewal of the MRA, where the IQAB stated its desire for the Institute to recognize audit experience obtained in the U.S. towards meeting the one-year local experience requirement, allowing its members to obtain the practising certificate in Hong Kong on application, otherwise the MRA would not be renewed.  

3.This requirement for one year of local experience exists to ensure that overseas applicants are familiar with the local audit environment and relevant legal requirements in order to meet the necessary professional standards when performing audits in Hong Kong. In this relation, the Institute and IQAB could not come to an agreement, and therefore could not proceed on the renewal of the MRA.

关于香港会计师公会(公会)与U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board (“IQAB”)的互认协议,将于2022年12月31日到期之事宜。公会现补充及澄清如下:

公会现时与全球会计联盟 (The Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)) 成员机构及其他专业会计机构签署了互认协议,互认对方会员的专业资格/豁免部分登记条件。各互认协议均要求海外申请者需具备一年本地(香港)经验,方可在香港成为执业会计师。


惟要求IQAB会员需具备一年本地(香港)经验的条件,是为了确保海外申请者在香港从事审计工作时,了解香港相关法规的要求及达致一定专业水平,因此公会与 IQAB 未能达成共识以延长双方的互认协议。

The current mutual recognition agreement (“MRA”) between the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the “Institute”) and the U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board (“IQAB”) will expire on 31 December 2022.


In the past three years, the Institute has engaged in protracted negotiation with the IQAB for renewal of the MRA.  The IQAB had insisted that the precondition to continue with the MRA was for the Institute to recognize audit experience obtained in the U.S. towards meeting the audit experience requirement for obtaining the practising certificate in Hong Kong.  However, the Institute is unable to accept audit experience obtained in the U.S. as meeting the one-year recent local experience requirement stipulated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance.  This local experience requirement is to ensure that overseas applicants are familiar with the local audit environment and relevant legal requirements and professional standards before they could perform audits in Hong Kong. As such, the MRA will not be renewed after 31 December 2022.

Members of the Institute who are eligible to become a member of the U.S. State Boards of Accountancy under the MRA would be encouraged to take advantage of the MRA before it expires on 31 December 2022.

Arising from this non-renewal of the MRA, members of the U.S. State Boards of Accountancy will not be qualified to be registered as engagement quality control reviewers (“EQCR”) in Hong Kong after the MRA expires.

Members of the U.S. State Boards of Accountancy who wish to continue to be a registered EQCR of Public Interest Entities Auditors may apply for registration as a CPA with the Institute provided that they meet all the conditions in the MRA on or before 31 December 2022. 



